Georg-Speyer-Haus. Foto: Andreas Reeg, Tel: +40-171-5449247,,
Georg-Speyer-Haus. Foto: Andreas Reeg,

1st certificate for GSH HR strategy

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GSH receives audit berufundfamilie certificate

For the first time, Georg-Speyer-Haus received the audit berufundfamilie certificate for the strategic design of its family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. The certificate, that is considered a label of quality for a company compatibility policy, is awarded by the board of trustees of berufundfamilie Service GmbH under the German Federal Minister for Family Affairs Dr. Franziska Giffey. The requirement for certification is successful completion of the associated auditing process, in which the status quo of the family- and life-phase-conscious and family-friendly measures already offered was determined and the company-specific potential systematically developed.

berufundfamilie Service GmbH is a service company and think tank in the field of reconciling work, family and private life. Since 1998, more than 1,800 employers have been awarded the audit certificate, which is recommended by the leading associations of the German economy – BDA, BDI, DIHK and ZDH. Learn more about berufundfamilie on site.

You can also read BuF’s German blog post entitled 69 employers awarded for their family- and life-phase-conscious HR policies. BuF-logo-2021

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