
[Translate to English:] Ernennung durch den Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Zeuzem)

Heisenberg Professorship for Experimental Model Systems in Tumor Biology: Henner Farin

PD Dr. rer. nat. Henner Farin took up his appointment as Heisenberg Professor (W2) for “Experimental Model Systems in Tumor…

04.01.2025 Farin
PD Dr. Henner Farin

ZEB1-Factor increases chances of success of immunotherapy

Factor in connective tissue cells (ZEB1) modulates the efficacy of immunotherapy in colorectal carcinomas

04.07.2024 Farin
Dr. Zuzana Tatarova

Using the tumour microenvironment to improve therapy efficacy

Recent publication in Nature Reviews Cancer

24.06.2024 Tatarova
Parent-child office at Georg-Speyer-Haus

audit berufundfamilie (work and familiy)

Georg Speyer House certified for the second time

Two scientists in the laboratory

»Impressive contributions to tumor research«

The German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat) certifies the Georg-Speyer-Haus high expertise in research and…

Prof. Dr. Florian Greten

Florian Greten is listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2023

Florian Greten, Director of the Georg-Speyer-Haus and speaker of the LOEWE Centre Frankfurt Cancer Institute is 2023 amongst the…

15.11.2023 Greten

Henner Farin receives funding through the DFG Heisenberg Program

The Georg-Speyer-Haus scientist is accepted into the Heisenberg Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG)


12.11.2023 Farin
PD Dr. Henner Farin

Canan Arkan appointed Professor for Tumor Metabolism

Canan Arkan appointed Professor for Tumor Metabolism at LOEWE-Centre FCI & Georg-Speyer-Haus

02.08.2023 Arkan

Dying cancer cells give neighbouring tumour cells instructions on how to survive

Researchers in Frankfurt discover new mechanism of chemotherapy resistance in colon cancer

17.11.2022 Greten

Pomegranate fueling cancer therapy

Researchers identify way to boost tumor-fighting immune cells

20.10.2022 Greten
Scientific Graphic

Solidarity with scientists from Ukraine

#ScienceForUkraine – GSH supports initiative for scientists from Ukraine


Hessischer Rundfunk visits on World Cancer Day

HR spotlights tumor research at Georg-Speyer-Haus on World Cancer Day

TV recordings in the Georg-Speyer-Haus

New insights in rectal carcinoma therapy

Inflammatory connective tissue cells decrease response to radiochemotherapy

03.02.2022 Greten
Scientific Graphic

Diversity at research institute

Appreciation and esteem in their entire scope

Diversity Charter

ERC Advanced Grant 2021 goes to Prof. Dr. Greten

Great Award for Director of the Georg-Speyer-Haus

22.04.2021 Greten
European Research Council erc

1st certificate for GSH HR strategy

GSH receives audit berufundfamilie certificate

Logo audit berufundfamilie

Dr. Medyouf participates in EU ITN INTERCEPT-MDS

Dr. Medyouf participates in the European Innovative Training Network INTERCEPT-MDS focusing on the shared training and research in Myeloid Diseases.

25.11.2020 Medyouf
Dr. Hind Medyouf

New EU research consortium with participation of GSH

GSH generates an extensive pharmacological drug library with other institutions and pharmaceutical companies

Scientific Graphic

Langener Science Award for Prof. Dr. Krause for research on bone marrow microenvironment

Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause received the Langener Science Award at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute for her work on Home is where the bone is – The bone marrow as an innovative therapeutic approach to blood formation. “We are pleased to honour Prof. Daniela Krause, a scientist who is researching innovative…

Picture of a group

Beug Foundation Research Award for Dr. Sevenich on metastasis research

This year’s 2019 Beug Foundation Metastasis Research Award goes to Dr. Lisa Sevenich for her efforts in studying T-cell responses in brain metastases.


Prof. Dr. Krause receives project funding from EKFS

Else Kroener-Fresenius-Foundation funds research project of Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause

Scientific Graphic

Extention DFG research group for colorectal cancer

Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis research group under leadership of Prof. Dr. Greten receives extension for additional 3 years

Logo Cell Plasticity

Previous director receives Zukunftspreis 2018

22nd German Future Award goes to the project Protection in the Absence of an Immune System – the Life-Saving Innovation against Dangerous Viruses


Group picture

EMBO Young Investigator Award geht an Hind Medyouf

About Hind Medyouf

Dr. Medyouf joined the Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy in October 2014. Her research is focused on exploring the role of the tumor microenvironment in leukemia and solid cancer metastasis. In particular, the group is investigating the complex cellular…

11.11.2018 Medyouf
Graphic with award winners

Research grant for Ewelina Czlonka

Ewelina Czlonka receives the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation research grant for her doctoral thesis


Dynamic formation of microvillus inclusions

Dynamic Formation of Microvillus Inclusions During Enterocyte Differentiation in Munc18-2–Deficient Intestinal Organoids



Joint priority program investigates the development of bone metastases

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