Langener Science Award for Prof. Dr. Krause for research on bone marrow microenvironment

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Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause received the Langener Science Award at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute for her work on Home is where the bone is – The bone marrow as an innovative therapeutic approach to blood formation. “We are pleased to honour Prof. Daniela Krause, a scientist who is researching innovative therapeutic approaches and is instrumental in preparing for their rapid testing in clinical trials,” added Prof. Klaus Cichutek, President of PEI. “I feel very honored and gratefully take the award with thanks on our entire working group’s name. Every new therapeutic strategy is accompanied by doubts and regressions. This Award, especially from PEI, is so important because it seems to show us that we are on the right track,” said Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause.