Florian Greten is listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2023

15.11.2023 | Greten
Prof. Dr. Florian Greten
Prof. Dr. Florian Greten

Florian Greten, Director of the Georg-Speyer-Haus and speaker of the LOEWE Centre Frankfurt Cancer Institute is 2023 amongst the prestigious Highly Cited Researchers selected by Claviate (Web of Science). His work on colorectal cancers and especially the tumor microenvironment in the last decade had a major impact on the field. The work of his team on resistance mechanisms of the tumor microenvironment to standard of care therapy through inflammatory responses (e.g. Nicolas et al Cancer Cell) or cell death related signaling (Schmitt et al Nature) have not only inspired the research community but also led to clinical trials. Greten explains: “I´m proud to be listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2023, but the greatest fulfilment is seeing that our work that is inspired by challenges from patients, is on the way to improve cancer therapy”.

Read more about Florian Greten's Research.

Read more about the list of Highly Cited Researchers here:

Each year, Clarivate™(Web of Science) identifies the small fraction of the global research scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. This selected group contribute disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and gaining for society innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable and more secure.

Each researcher selected has authored multiple Highly Cited Papers™ which rank in the top 1% by citations for their field(s) and publication year in the Web of Science over the past decade.