Detail im historischen Gebäude

Donations and involvement

Even though there have been significant advances in oncology research, many cancer patients cannot be cured and in some cases can only be treated with difficulty. By making a donation, you are supporting our work and helping to advance cancer research. With a donation to our non-profit research institute you help to get closer to a life without cancer and support our research for life.

Your options are many: sponsor-selected research projects, our graduate school or support our institute in general. A testamentary disposition can also help to advance the work of our researchers. 

You will receive a donation receipt from us if you include your name and address on your transfer.

Account holder: Chemotherapeutic Research Institute Georg-Speyer-Haus 
IBAN: DE93 5007 0010 0255 1604 00
BIC: DEUTDEFF, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt

Feel free to contact us! Together we will discuss your questions and find a purpose that you particularly value.

You can also make a donation for our cancer research directly via the online donation form.

Donate online