Georg-Speyer-Haus. Foto: Andreas Reeg, Tel: +40-171-5449247,,
Georg-Speyer-Haus. Foto: Andreas Reeg,

The core flow cytometry unit currently operates two cell analyzers (BD LSRFortessa, FACSCantoII) and two cell sorters (BD FACSAria Fusion and FACSAria I). The service unit is headed by Dr. Stefan Stein, who is also the contact person for general questions regarding flow cytometry and in the development or adaptation of new measurement/sorting approaches. Annette Trzmiel is the FCU operator and performs the high speed cell sorting and is also responsible for the proper condition of all FACS devices at the institute. Additionally, Thorsten Geyer serves as interim operator at the cell sorters.

The sorting unit is primarily available to the research groups of the Georg-Speyer-Haus, but may also be available to external research groups.

If you would like to perform FACS measurements/cell sorting at our facility, please contact us by email at